New Website

Hi everyone!

ALAC now has a brand new website! I decided to ditch our old website on Google Sites and create a brand new one on Squarespace. I just felt like the old website was too limiting for what we wanted to do with it. Now, we have a much easier to use blog where members can post articles!

Likewise, I have been working on redesigning the visuals used for ALAC. Although the pink and rainbow graphics were cute and fun, I felt like they distracted from many peoples’ artwork, which is what we’re trying to showcase. I’m working on creating a more “minimalist” theme, though I’m also trying not to fall into the hyper-modern/minimalist “white wall” designs a lot of art institutions fall into…which is hard. Feedback is always appreciated!

Lastly, here are some other changes that will hopefully be made in the near future:

  • Social media overhaul

  • Open-call for next community zine

  • More only community-building events (like game/movie nights!)

That’s it, thanks for reading everyone!


Open Call for COMFORT FOOD Zine